A policy to guarantee quality
Hyson Cells has long offered technical advantages over conventional concrete slabs for large areas and for construction on poor underlying material.
However, the system is dependent on standards of construction in the field and our reputation has sometimes suffered as a result.
We have therefore decided on the following policy changes
- We offer our services as nominated sub-contractors (to rig and fill the cells - which is our specialised field)
- We are prepared to contract as main contractor for the entire job
- We offer "design advice" and will tender "design and build" contracts
- We offer to provide extended supervision for labour-based contracts awarded to emerging contractors.
Our product is simple and ingenious but it may present confusing novelty to the engineer unfamiliar with it. Other geocells may look similar but we can show that they may perform very differently indeed.
- Design
- Mechanistic design model
We have computerised design models available for a number of paving alternatives
- Practical experience
We have been around for some 12 years and many engineers have practical experience in working with our products. Let us put you in touch to discuss your problems with engineers who have had experience with the product in the field.
- Costing guidelines
We can issue installed-cost guideline if you supply us with the data pertaining to your site.
- Hyson Cells installation instructions
Contact us for instructions to include in your tender document or to explain what may not be clear in our written material. Note that we are constantly evolving. Do not trust old instructions - they may be out of date. (e.g. we now favour concrete to "soilcrete" (soil/cement) but strongly advise you follow our specially developed mixes)
- On-site training
Let our consultant discuss your site with your engineer or site agent while a training assistant works shoulder to shoulder with the labour. If we are not contracting this site ourselves we can still quickly bring the contractor up to speed and pass on tips and techniques learned from years of field experience as well as ensure that the product is installed correctly.