Contents of "Applications" topic
Roads and industrial paving
Channels, drains and canals
Embankment protection
Toxic ponds and landfill
Mining applications
Planned Contents of "Applications"
Civil engineering
Roads & paving
Railway formation layers
Drains and channels
Embankment protection
Spillways & riprap
Ponds & resevoirs
Dam walls
Mining engineering
Mine roads
Stope support system
Dams & ponds
Thickener tanks
Tailings dam protection
Harbour walls
Artificial reefs
Dune protection
Chemical engineering
Liners for toxic storage
Water purification
Chemical thickeners
Methane digester
Purification pack
Algae & fish ponds
Oil skimmer
Animal house flooring
Waste treatment
Dams & spillways
Irrigation storage dams
Fish & algae farming
Hyson Cells offers the following solutions for embankment protectionWhen the slope is NOT stable
When the slope is not stable in its own right then it must be
- stabilised by providing a Hyson Cells with in-situ fill gravity mass retaining wall to support the toe, or
- the face may be stabilised by using steps constructed from layered Hyson Cells with in-situ fill
The face of the slope may then be additionally protected as follows When the slope itself is stable
The slope surface may be protected by
- Vegetative cover planted in Hyson Cells
- "Mock rock" constructed using Hyson Cells
- Vegetated No-fines Concrete in Hyson Cells
- "Soil / cement" (also known as soilcrete, sandcrete, ashcrete) in Hyson Cells
- Concrete armouring in Hyson Cells
Photo overview
Look at our gallery for photos with comments. Relevant topics for embankment protection are :/p>
More information - in Draft form
This topic is still under preparation. More information is available on a separate page but be prepared for a slow download due to the pics.Look at draftof more detail.