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Current Contents of "Applications"

Cost comparison with conventional construction methods

Roads and industrial paving
Channels, drains and canals
Embankment protection
Toxic ponds and landfill
Flood damage
Mining applications
    Mining applications


Hyson Cells has a variety of applications in mining.

  • Heavy duty roads
  • Embankment protection
  • Mine packs
  • Dam walls
  • Drainage and water transport canals
  • Toxic ponds, evaporation dams and sewage works
  • Reservoirs
  • Thickening, filtration and water purification
  • Mine water cleaning, sulphates and heavy metal removal

Heavy duty roads

Industrial roads capable of 200 ton axles may be constructed with Hyson Cells and concrete made utilising mine waste.

200 ton vehicle traffic

The roads are particularly suitable for steep inclines and where there is a lot of water. Roads may be on the surface for open cast mining or underground.

The requirement for layerworks is far less than for asphalt or conventional concrete roads. Optional use of quickset concrete can make a road trafficable one hour after the pour.

Installation is quick and inexpensive. The Hyson Cells formwork is light and collapsible and may easily be transported underground. The concrete fill may be pumped to the site.

For more detail see the following links :

  • The general topic " Roads and industrial paving "
  • Where the road gets its strength and why it is particularly suited to construction in wet conditions is discussed in "Hyson Cells with concrete".
  • For a pictorial overview visit the gallery topic on "Roads and water"
  • A paper "The Response of Flexible Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Under Ultra Heavy Loading"published in "Concrete / Beton" Number 94 July 1999 by SA Roads Board Professor of Transport Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Pretoria is available from our office on request. Contact us at info@hysoncells.co.za

Embankment protection

Hyson Cells packs are 200 m² (up to 600 m² on request), are lightweight and inexpensive. They lend themselves to vegetated rehabilitation of mine dumps and can be used on slopes up to 70º.

Go to the general embankments topic for more detail.

See photos and brief abstracts on the gallery pages.

Mine packs

The Hyson Cells matrix is used to compartmentalise cement grout and mine tailings within a confining woven bag. This completely changes the performance characteristics of the composite. As with underground roads the Hyson Cells matrix is lightweight and collapsible and easily transported to the stope. The fill is pumped.

The concept is explained with diagrams.

Research indicates superior performance characteristics, particularly for platinum mines

Contact us at info@hysoncells.co.za

Dam walls

Hyson Cells may be used for layered gravity mass retaining walls. Layers are usually 150 mm deep.

Because Hyson Cells are made in a variety of sizes and may be up to 4 metres deep they may also be used as the "impermeable core" to an earthen retaining dam wall. Dam walls may consequently be constructed from otherwise unsuitable materials such as slimes, tailings and ash.

The Hyson Cells concrete "cell slab" may be used as riprap armouring to protect the wall against wave protection. The system is also used for high velocity spillways. Contact us at info@hysoncells.co.za

Drainage and water transport canals

The Hyson Cells system is particularly suitable for canals. It presents an inexpensive method of construction with no need for jointing.

Waterproofing and hydrostatic pressure are discussed in the features topic

Visit the gallery for photos and brief abstracts.

Toxic ponds, evaporation dams and sewage works

Hyson Cells may be used as concrete armouring for impermeable layers such as geomembranes and bitumen. This makes the system appropriate where possible seepage to groundwater must be prevented. Go to the toxic liner topic.


A Hyson Cells reservoir can be constructed for approximately 18% less than a conventional concrete reservoir (based on RSA tender bids 1999). We have a lot of data for "reservoirs" topic but this is not yet "web ready". The toxic liner topic is relevant. Contact us at info@hysoncells.co.za

Thickening, filtration and water purification;
Mine water cleaning, sulphates and heavy metal removal

The Hyson Cells plastic matrix is used as an inexpensive labyrinth core to increase the flowpath some 400 times as compared to a conventional settlement pond. The system can be used for a variety of applications such as thickening, mixing and filtration.

A paper entitled "Continuous non-mechanical thickening and mixing system utilising a South African developed plastic cell matrix" was presented at WISA 2000 (Water Institute Of South Africa). The paper explains the principles involved and it will be readily apparent how the system can be used for the variety of applications in the heading above.Go here to load the paper as a web page. N.B. The download is a little slow because of embedded diagrams.
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Contact usat info@hysoncells.co.za

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