Roads and industrial paving
Hyson Cells allows the construction of a flexible concrete riding surface constructed from 3D interlocking concrete blocks cast in situ. Benefits :
- Forgiving of poor layerwork
- Less layerwork needed or even construct on no layerwork at all
- May be used as an overlay without having to remove the previous pavement
- Ideal for steep roads
- Quick installation
- Twenty year life with minimum maintenance
- First world plant based construction or third world labour based construction
- Loads up to 200 ton axles
See thebenefitstopic. Cost savings
The system presents significant cost savings as compared to conventional concrete. Alternative designs and their costs are discussed in thedesign alternativestopic. Road and paving applicationsHyson Cells is suitable for both new construction and for rehabilitation projects. The field of applications within paving is very diverse :
- Rural roads
- Build with an integrated side drain
- Use on-site materials
- Urban roads
- Quick rehabilitation with the Hyson Cells overlay gives minimum traffic disruption
- Freeways
- Specially suitable for truck lanes
- Overlays on existing roads
- Container yards
- New yards
- Overlays to rehabilitate old yards with minimum disruption using quicksets
- Build directly on damaged layerworks
- Mine haulage roads
- Underground trackless mining
- Open cast haulage roads
- Causeways
- Light 80 Kn traffic
- Heavy mine traffic
- Aircraft runways and hard standing
- A special need for fast track
Visit the Photo tour for photos with brief abstracts. Seeroadsandroads with water.